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Unit5 Why do you like pandas? Section B2a-3b


. Teaching goals:

Knowledge goals: Master new words andphrases: symbol; kill; get lost; be in danger; cut down;bemade of

Abilitygoals: 1) Describe animals;

2) Express preferences;

3) Develop the reading andwriting skills;

Emotional goals: Save the endangered animalsand get on well with all the animals, make friends with them.

. Teaching focus and difficulties:

1) a “summary” or an overallmeaning of each paragraph;

2) be ingreatdanger; cut down;(be)made of

. Teaching aids: PPT, Tape-recorder

. Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warming up


Step 2 Revision


Task 1: 猜一猜,你一定能!请同学们观看六张动物图,每小组派代表说出动物的名称.那个组说的最快那组为获胜者.

Task2: 比一比,你一定行!


1. Whatanimals can swim?_________________________________

2.What animals eat grass? _________________________________

3.What animals eat meat? _________________________________

4.What animals eat leaves? _________________________________

Step 3 Lead-in

请同学们将书翻到第页,讨论以下哪些动物濒临灭绝,并做出标记. 你可能用到的句型: I think ...are/is in great danger.

Step 4 Pre-read


图片一: 单词:Thailand, symbol

The elephant is one of Thailand’ssymbols.

图片二:  单词: kill,  ivory

But people kill elephants for ivory.

图片三:  Thesethings _are made of_ ivory.

图片四:  Peoplealso cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes.

图片五:  March13th is Thai Elephant Day.

Step 5 While-read

Task 1Read and check: Which is the best title for 2b?

              What Is an Eelephant

              Come to Thailand

              Let’s Save the Elephants

              Elephants Are Good Pets

Task 2   Readand match.

Para.1             What can elephants do?



                      Why areelephants in danger and how can they save them?

Para.3             Elephants are important in Thailand.

Task 3  Read and answer.

1. Read Para. 1 and answer the questions. (Then retell itaccording to the answers )

1)Where are the students from?

  They’re from       .

2)What do they want to do? They want to             .

3)Why are elephants important in Thailand?

                 it is one of Thailand’s                      .

Because    Thailand’s firstflag had                     on it.

             It’s a symbol of                            .

2. Read Para. 2 and answer the questions. (Then retell Para. 2)

1)Are elephants smart animals?

2)What can they do?




can                or                 .

           can also                  very well.

           can         for a long time and never               .

             can also               places with food and water.           

3. Read Para.3and answer the questions. (Then retell Para. 3)

1)Are elephants in great danger? And why?

Elephantsare _______________.

                   People           many trees so elephants are losing          

Because         Peoplekill elephants for            

Today there are only about            elephants.

( over            before)

2)How can they save elephants? (and)

        Don’t cut down so many        .

        Don’t         things made of ivory

        Remember that March 13th is _____________________.

Task 4  listen and read.  

1. Listen to the tape.

2. Read the passage aloud.

Task 5 Check themind-map.

Step 6 Post-read

1. Choose the proper conjunctions to fill in theblanks. 选词填空。

but     so     and     because



The elephant is a symbol ofgood luck in Thailand.           elephants are smart animals.           elephants are in great danger.           People cut down many trees,            kill elephants for their ivory. We must save theelephants.         don’t cut down so many trees, don’t buy thingsmade of ivory and remember that March 13th is Thai Elephant Day.

 Step 7 Picture and video

Task 1: 阅读文字,得出结论: So elephants are in (great) danger now!!!!!!

Task 2: 收看成龙保护野生动物公益广告,呼吁学生保护动物从我做起.

Don’t kill the animals!  Don’tbuy ivory things!

Let’s save the endangered animals together!

Step 8 Homework

 Write ashort passage according to the chart.






a symbol of good luck

Description words

cute, shy


climb the trees, swim

In great danger

only about 1,500 pandas


cut down many trees, lose their homes,

kill pandas for their fur

How can we save pandas

don’t cut down so many trees

don’t         things made of fur

set up a nature park for them in Sichuan 








上传时间: 2017-06-02 07:37:31 |  上传人: 李彩虹 |  学科: 英语 |  学段: 初中


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